Audi A6: Weak battery and flickering headlights - exchange of experiences welcome
Dim or flickering lights
Weak battery when starting the engine
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hey, thanks for the advice. It really does sound like it's better to face the truth in the workshop! Do you happen to remember how much you paid for it when the problem with the flickering was solved? And did you have any other complications after that? I just don't want any more surprises after I've had it fixed.
(Translated from German)
Hey, I can understand that, nobody really needs surprises like that. In my case, the flickering issue was resolved immediately after the battery change and I haven't had any problems with it since. As far as the costs are concerned, the emergency battery was actually flat in my case and had to be replaced. That cost around 110 euros. But after that everything ran smoothly again. It's annoying with all the electronic gizmos in modern cars, isn't it? But what can you do without them? So, cheer up and take your Audi to the mechanic, he'll sort it out.
(Translated from German)
Hey, that reassures me a little, thanks for sharing your experience. It really seems like it could be the same problem. The costs also seem to be okay... Well, nothing else to do. I'll follow your advice and try not to worry too much - my Audi and I will get through this. Thanks again! You've really helped me.
(Translated from German)
Hey partner, recently had a similar problem with my Audi A8 (gasoline, 2013, approx. 76500 km on it). My car had starting problems and the headlights somehow started to flicker. The fault was not with the emergency battery, but it turned out that the main battery was already pretty worn out and needed to be changed. Honestly, it was a Larger problem because the car was also in the process of damaging electrical components. So yes, I would recommend a visit to the garage before any further problems occur. That being said, my mechanic also checked the alternator to be on the safe side and checked various electrical systems on the car to be sure nothing else was faulty. All in all, go over it with the mechanic. It's true, nobody likes going to the garage, but sometimes you can't avoid it. Hope this helps you. Good luck!
(Translated from German)