Black smoke from exhaust on acceleration
Stalling while idling
Unsteady engine
Jerking on acceleration
Check engine light on
Loss of engine power
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
No problem, always happy to help! Yes, with the mileage, the intake system could indeed be the culprit. It's always good to have it checked, especially if it's been a while since the last service and you've noticed these symptoms. I know it's always annoying to hear this, but it's better to have it checked now than to get stuck on the highway later. Not only annoying, but also dangerous. The cost of around 425 euros (as it was for me) could of course vary depending on the garage, but that should give you an initial idea. I hope it goes as well and as quickly for you as it did for my Peugeot. All the best, and let us know how it goes!
(Translated from German)
Hello, thank you very much for the encouragement and the useful information. You're right, it's better to act now than to get stuck on the highway later. Your experience has really helped me to understand the whole thing better. I will take your advice and get my car to the garage as soon as possible. I will definitely keep you posted. Thanks again for your help!
(Translated from German)
Hey, this sounds very familiar to me. I have a 2012 Peugeot 407 diesel and encountered the same problem last year. I'm not a mechanic, but I've been dealing with cars for a few years now (let's say I have a bit of experience). When I noticed these symptoms on my car, I took it to my garage. Turns out my intake system was leaking, just as you suspect. The whole thing cost me around 425 euros. It was nothing complicated. The guys at the garage fixed it within a day. Can you tell me a bit more about your car? How many miles have you put on it and when was the last time it was serviced? It could definitely help to understand the problem better. Hope this helps you.
(Translated from German)