General electric malfunction
Fault stored
Dim or flickering lights
Weak battery when starting the engine
4 comment(s)
Hey! Yeah, I remember pretty well - my wallet still mourns the loss of that 290 squids, haha! That covered the cost of a new battery and the labor for fixing that terminal 30 interruption issue. Condition's been stellar since then! No repeats of the same issues or any problems related to it. Hope it goes smooth for you too!
Haha, I suppose it's time for my wallet to prepare for a similar fate, then! It's great to hear your situation worked out, and I certainly hope it carries on without a hitch. I'll nudge my local mechanic about it and hopefully get it all sorted without any problems. Thanks for your insights. They've really been a lifesaver. Cheers!
Hey there! Funny you mention this, I had a very similar issue with my 2016 Renault KadJar not too long ago. It had around 45k miles on it. Like you, I started noticing some odd electrical mishaps - things like error codes, weak starts, and even headlights flickering at times. After a bit of head scratching, I ended up booking it into a garage I trust. You've guessed it; it was a battery issue, turned out to be both discharged and defective. Not sure about terminal 30 interruption though. They swapped out the old battery, reset the fault codes, and everything was good as new! So yeah, it sounds like a battery issue based on my experience. I won't worry too much if I were you, it was more annoying than a serious problem. But I suggest you have it looked at soon before it leaves you stranded somewhere. Hope this helps!