BMW X7 Engine Overheating: Air Flap System Alert
Check engine light on
4 comment(s)
Thanks this sounds exactly like what I'm dealing with! Really helpful info. Just wondering, do you remember roughly how much you ended up paying for the whole repair? Also, has everything been running smoothly since then, or have you noticed any other quirks pop up? Been trying to budget for this and would love to know what I'm potentially in for.
Hey again! Just wanted to follow up, I actually got this fixed last month and it cost me 590 € to replace the defective electromechanism. The symptoms you're describing are spot on with what I experienced, and I'm happy to report that since getting it sorted, my X5 has been running like a dream! The overheating issues completely disappeared, and the engine's now warming up normally. Honestly, it was worth every penny. Haven't had a single problem since the repair, no warning lights, no temperature issues, nothing. The mechanic explained that these active air flaps are pretty crucial for proper engine management, so when they fail, it can really mess with the car's performance. My advice? Don't wait too long to get it fixed. The cost might seem steep, but it's definitely cheaper than dealing with potential engine damage down the line. Plus, the peace of mind knowing everything's working properly is priceless. Let me know how it goes if you decide to get it repaired!
Thanks so much for the detailed response! Finally bit the bullet and took it to a mechanic yesterday. You were absolutely right, it was the air flaps. Ended up paying about 650 € for the whole thing, slightly more than what you paid, but I also got them to do a general check-up while they were at it. Got it back today and what a difference! The engine's warming up properly now, no more overheating issues, and that annoying check engine light is finally off. The mechanic I found was actually great, really took the time to explain everything and show me the faulty parts. Pretty relieved I didn't wait any longer to get it fixed. Looking back, I was probably making things worse by driving it around with the problem. The car feels like new again, running super smooth. Really appreciate your help with this. Your experience definitely gave me the push I needed to get it sorted out properly. Money well spent in my opinion!
Hey there! I had nearly identical issues with my 2020 BMW X5 40i last year. The symptoms matched yours exactly, slow warm-up, occasional overheating, and that dreaded check engine light. Initially thought it was something minor, but it turned out the electroactuator controlling the air flaps had completely failed. Took it to the shop where they confirmed the air flaps were stuck closed. This was preventing proper airflow management, causing the temperature regulation problems. They had to replace the entire air flap control unit along with some wiring harnesses that had degraded. It was definitely a serious issue that needed immediate attention, running with malfunctioning air flaps can lead to engine damage if left unchecked. The repair took two days due to parts availability, but it's been running perfectly since then. Given your symptoms, I'd strongly suggest getting it checked soon. These air flap systems are pretty complex, and when they fail, they can cause cascading problems with engine cooling and performance. Best of luck with the repair.