Citroën C8 petrol engine 2005: Symptoms of power loss and uneven engine running
Car won't start
Loss of engine power
Shaking while idling
Jerking on acceleration
Unsteady engine
Longer cold start time
Check engine light on
Black smoke from exhaust on acceleration
Stalling while idling
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Moin Moin, you're welcome, I'll help where I can. Yes, I won't forget that fuel pressure regulator hassle in a hurry. The bill for changing this part cost me €250 at the time. A decent chunk of money, but since then these particular problems have been history. Apart from that, my bike ran like clockwork after the workshop visit. Above all, these mixture preparation problems were eliminated afterwards. So, off to your mechanic and have your fuel pressure regulator checked. Keep your fingers crossed that it's exactly that and your car will run just as well as mine. Good luck, buddy!
(Translated from German)
Greetings! Many thanks for your help and your experience. Of course, €250 is a bit harsh, but if it fixes the problem, then it's worth it. I'm just fed up with this constant hassle. I'll follow your advice and call the garage tomorrow to make an appointment. Thanks again for your help and keep your fingers crossed for me. See you next time. Bye!
(Translated from German)
Hey buddy, you were on point. The last time I had my 2008 C-Class Benz in the shop, I also had problems with the fuel pressure regulator. Really sounds like your car has a similar ailment to mine back then. Black smoke and problems accelerating, had them all. In the end, the fuel pressure regulator on my car had to be replaced. It was a bit of a pain, but once it was replaced, it ran like a champ again, no more smoke, no jerking and plenty of power. So, that could definitely be your problem. So, long story short, definitely check out the fuel pressure regulator. Speaking from experience, sounds like that's exactly your problem.
(Translated from German)