CR-V Vibration Issues: Bad Engine Mount or Something Else?
Vibrations from the engine
4 comment(s)
Thanks for sharing your experience! My CR-V just hit 135286 KM. Actually, I notice the vibrations mostly during idle, especially after the engine warms up. It's good to hear that fixing the engine mount connector solved your issue, definitely gives me some hope that it might be something similar and not too complicated. I'll get it checked out soon, but it's really helpful to know what to expect. I just had my service done last month and everything else seems to be running fine, so this vibration thing really caught me by surprise.
Hey again! Yeah, that mileage is pretty similar to when I started having issues with my HR-V too. Mine was around 140K when the vibrations started. What you're describing about the vibrations getting worse after warm-up is exactly what I experienced, it's like a classic symptom of the vacuum-controlled mount acting up. Since you mentioned having service done last month, did they check the vacuum lines? Sometimes they can crack or get loose without being super obvious. When my mount connector was going bad, I actually noticed that the vibrations would change intensity depending on the engine load, like it would get better when I gave it a bit of gas, then get worse again at idle. After getting mine fixed, I've been running smooth for about 30K now without any issues. Just keep an eye on it and don't wait too long to get it checked, these mounts can cause other problems if left unfixed. The repair was pretty straightforward in my case, and the workshop had it done in about 2 hours. Let me know how it goes when you get it checked out. Always curious to hear if others have the same fix work for them!
Thanks so much for all the details! You've really hit the nail on the head, that's exactly what I'm experiencing with the vibrations changing when I give it gas. I didn't even think about the vacuum lines, but now that you mention it, that makes total sense. It's really reassuring to hear your fix has lasted for 30K without any issues coming back. I've actually just booked an appointment with my mechanic for next week. I'm feeling much more confident now going in with this information, at least I can point them in the right direction with the vacuum lines and mount connector. The 2-hour repair time sounds manageable too, much better than I was worried it might be. Really appreciate you sharing your experience. I'll definitely keep an eye on how it behaves until the appointment, especially now that I know what to look out for with the changing vibrations. I'll try to remember to post an update after I get it fixed, might help someone else down the line with the same issue!
Hey there! I've got some experience working on cars and faced something very similar with my 2015 Honda HR-V. Turns out it was indeed the engine mount connector that was giving me trouble. The symptoms were exactly what you're describing, those annoying vibrations that just wouldn't go away. Took it to my regular workshop and they found a faulty cable/connector on the engine mount. The whole fix, including parts and labor, set me back about 165 Euro, but it was totally worth it as the vibrations disappeared completely. What's your mileage on the CR-V? And do you notice the vibrations more at idle or when you're accelerating? This info would help me understand if you're dealing with the same issue I had. Just be aware that while our situations sound similar, it's always best to get it checked by a professional to be sure. These symptoms can sometimes be tricky to diagnose correctly.