Metal shavings in oil
Valve adjustment noise
Weird engine noise
Jerking on acceleration
Loss of engine power
Unsteady engine
Check engine light on
Poor fuel economy
4 comment(s)
Hey! Not done any specific work lately, it just started acting up outta nowhere. My bad for ignoring the check engine light at first! Last service was at 103858 KM, so I know it's not about time for another one yet. Valve servomotor, huh? Sounds complicated but I'm willing to give it a shot if it'll solve the issue. I guess I'll have to bite the bullet on this one. I'm based in the US, so I'll have to check what it's gonna cost me over here, though your estimate gives me a rough idea. I'll start making calls tomorrow morning. Thanks for the advice! Truly appreciate it.
Hey back at ya, Trust me, those check engine lights are like a nagging headache. Easy to ignore until they turn into a migraine! Been there, done that with my old ‘05 Santa Fe. The valve servomotor sure sounds like a mouthful, but it's not as complex as it seems. It's like the command center for your valves, so when it goes kaput, you're bound to feel the effects straightaway. Replacing it did the trick for me, although the wallet wasn't too pleased with the hit. Regarding the cost stateside, I'm not too certain. But bear in mind, that’s including the cost of the part, labor, and VAT over here. It might differ in the US, but it should give you a ballpark at least. I'd say get it checked out with a reliable mechanic as soon as you can. Those metal shavings in the oil are a serious red flag. You definitely don’t want to leave it unchecked. And remember, prevention is always better than the cure. No worries, happy to help! Hope to hear about your smooth running engine soon. Drive safe!
Hey again, Ah, you're right with that check engine light analogy - starting to feel like a migraine now, no doubt. I laughed a bit at the wallet part, guess I'll have to prepare myself mentally for the hit! Your explanation makes the valve servomotor sound a bit more manageable. I'll get a reliable mechanic to have a look into it, first thing tomorrow. Can't deny those metal shavings scared me a bit - thanks for emphasizing it. You guys - always so helpful! Appreciate the time you took to provide insights and suggestions. I'll keep you posted on how the 'patient' recovers. Thanks and safe driving to you as well!
Hey there, Sounds like the same problem that hit me on my 2005 Hyundai Santa Fe. Just for backgrounds, I'm no expert, but I've got a bit of experience- tinkering around with my cars. So, it turned out to be a defective Valve servomotor. I took it to my local garage and they definitely confirmed it was the issue. Here in Ireland, it took about 405€ to fix. Painful, but worth it - the engine sounds like a beaut now. Your symptoms seem identical, so I reckon it might be the same issue. Make sure you check it out ASAP, those metal shavings are no good news. Just out of interest, have you done any recent work on your car or is this completely out of the blue? Hope this helps a bit and saves you further hassle.