With Carly, coding is easier than ever. You can make your car more unique with your smartphone by enabling or disabling existing features, such as the start-stop system. With the Carly app, you can adjust as many settings as you want in just a few seconds, and you can also reset to the original settings at any time.
Normally, coding in the car is performed by mechanics in a workshop for a fee. With Carly, you save on these costs and can code your car yourself to save time and money!
Whether you want to change the interior or exterior of your car, with the Carly OBD scanner and app, anything is possible. Since every car is unique, the available codings vary depending on the car model.
Some of the possible codings are:
Alarm system
With Carly OBD scanner you can customize various functions of the alarm system. You can activate or deactivate the panic alarm with the remote control by pressing and holding the “unlock trunk” button. Likewise, you can operate the anti-theft alarm system only with the remote control or additionally with the locks.
Additionally, you can trigger the panic alarm by pressing and holding the “Unlock Tailgate” button. Audible confirmations for locking and unlocking the vehicle can also be activated or deactivated.
The Carly OBD scanner also allows you to customize the type of alarm and flashing lights during an alarm, such as dimmed headlights, high beams, or warning lights. You can set the alarm type to Europe, USA or UK.
With the Carly OBD scanner, you can also activate menus for audible confirmations when locking and unlocking the vehicle in the iDrive. Note, however, that this only works if an “Anti Theft Alarm System” is installed, as the sound is generated by the siren of the anti-theft alarm system and not by the horn.
Angel Eyes and brake lights with the Carly OBD scanner:
It is also possible to use the Carly OBD scanner to customize the settings for Angel Eyes (also known as Corona rings) and brake lights. You can use the Angel Eyes as daytime running lights by setting the “Daytime Running Lights” to “Active” and “Daytime Running Lights – Customization” to “Auxiliary Lights Only”. The brightness of the Angel Eyes can be adjusted for different situations such as daytime running lights, parking lights and parking lights.
For cars with FRM2 or FRM3 modules (installed in the 1 series (E8x) from about 06/2007) there are alternative codings for brightness adjustment of the Angel Eyes, if the standard codings do not work.
The Carly OBD scanner also allows you to customize the brake lights. You can activate a brake force indicator where the brake lights come on or flash when braking hard. The minimum speed threshold and the flashing speed for the brake force display can also be adjusted.
Additionally, you can customize the brake force display for different lights, such as angel eyes, outer brake lights, inner brake lights, third brake light (rear window), tail lights and rear fog lights. To be able to use these options, you must activate the “Brake force display”.
Overall, the Carly OBD scanner allows you to customize your vehicle’s lighting settings and enable or disable various Angel Eyes and brake light functions according to your preferences.
Brake lights and brake force display in BMW E87
With Carly OBD scanner, you can customize the brake lights and brake force display in your BMW E87. The brake force indicator makes the brake lights come on or flash when braking hard. To enable this feature, you must do the appropriate coding in the FRM modules.
In the BMW E87, you can set the minimum speed threshold for the brake force indicator by selecting either 20 km/h or 50 km/h. In addition, you can set the flashing speed of the brake force indicator to slow or fast. To use these options, you must first activate the “Brake force display”.
Carly OBD scanner also allows you to customize the brake force display for different lights in BMW E87. These include angel eyes, outer brake lights, inner brake lights, the third brake light (rear window), tail lights and rear fog lights. You can choose for each of these lights to stay off, come on or flash when the brake force indicator is activated.
With the Carly OBD scanner, you have the possibility to customize the lighting settings of your BMW E87 and configure the brake lights and the brake force indicator exactly according to your wishes.

Cleaning functions in BMW E87 with Carly OBD scanner
With Carly OBD scanner, you can customize various cleaning functions in your BMW E87. This includes settings for the windshield wipers, rear wipers, and headlight cleaning.
Windshield wiper and rear wiper:
- Wiper interval when stationary: You can set the interval for the wipers when stationary to 3s or 5s.
- Wiping interval for the rear window: the possible intervals are off, 2s, 4s, 6s, 8s or 12s.
- Rear wiper in reverse: You can set whether the rear wiper is automatically switched on when you put the car in reverse and the front wipers are active.
- Wipers complete the wiping process: The wipers do not stop in the middle of the windshield when the ignition is turned off, but complete their wiping cycle.
Headlight cleaning:
- Switch headlight cleaning on or off.
- Number of wipes after cleaning the windshield: You can choose between 1, 2, 3 or 4 wipes.
- Number of wipes after cleaning the rear window: You can choose between 1, 2, 3 or 4 wipes.
- Number of headlights cleaning: The headlights are cleaned after the xth activation of the windshield washer, where x can be either 3, 5 or 7.
- Number of sprays for the headlights: You can choose between 2 or 3 sprays.
- Duration of a spray burst for the headlights: The possible settings are 0.5s, 0.7s or 1s.
- Delay between spray bursts for the headlights: the possible settings are 1s, 1.3s or 1.5s.
Thanks to the Carly OBD scanner, you can configure and customize the cleaning functions of your BMW E87 exactly as you want.
GPS time correction in BMW E87
With Carly OBD scanner you have the possibility to correct the time of your BMW E87 automatically via GPS signal. This feature is especially handy if, for example, you’re traveling to another time zone or don’t want to manually adjust the time in your vehicle.
To enable GPS time correction in your BMW E87, first connect the Carly OBD scanner to your vehicle. Once connected, you can find the “GPS time correction” option in the instrument cluster settings. Here you have the option to turn the function on or off.
If GPS time correction is activated, the time in your BMW E87 is automatically adjusted to the GPS signal. This means that the clock is always accurate and you don’t have to worry about getting the time wrong.
Carly OBD scanner is a useful tool to customize your BMW E87 and make sure that all the functions, such as GPS time correction, are set just the way you want them.
Comfort functions in the BMW E87 with the Carly OBD scanner:
With Carly OBD scanner, you can customize and activate various convenience features in your BMW E87 . Here are some functions you can set with the scanner:
Comfort start:
- activated: You only have to tap the ignition key once to start the engine after the ignition is turned on.
- deactivated: The engine starts as usual.
Comfort ejection:
- activated: Hold down the start/stop button longer to turn off the ignition and eject the ignition key.
- deactivated: The function is not active.
Comfort opening with remote control:
- activated: Press and hold the unlock button on the remote control to open all windows and the sunroof.
- deactivated: The function is not active.
Comfort closing with remote control:
- activated: Press and hold the lock button on the remote to close all windows and the sunroof.
- deactivated: The function is not active.
Comfort opening with key turn:
- activated: Hold the key in the unlock position to open all windows and the sunroof.
- deactivated: The function is not active.
Comfort locks with key turn:
- activated: Hold the key in the lock position to close all windows and the sunroof.
- deactivated: The function is not active.
To enable or disable these convenience features in your BMW E87, connect the Carly OBD scanner to your vehicle and navigate to the appropriate settings in the CAS (Car Access System) module. Here you can turn the desired functions on or off, depending on your individual needs and preferences.
BMW E87 “Coming Home” functions
With Carly OBD scanner, you can adjust the “Coming Home” function and settings for the convertible top of your BMW E87.
The “Coming Home” feature allows you to activate your car’s lights when you leave the vehicle. You can customize the duration of the lighting, the way it is activated and deactivated. With the Carly OBD scanner, you can enable or disable the “Follow Me Home” lights and set the duration of the lights individually for each key. For example, you can set the lighting duration for key 1 to 40 seconds, for key 2 to 90 seconds, and for key 3 to 150 seconds. To activate the “Follow Me Home” lights, press the flasher while the engine is off.
For convertible models of BMW E87, you can also use Carly OBD scanner to adjust the speed limit for opening and closing the top while driving. Depending on your vehicle model and personal preferences, you can set the speed limit to 6 km/h, 30 km/h or 50 km/h. For pre-facelift models, however, it is recommended to leave the speed limit at 30 km/h, as the roof structure is less stable.
To make these adjustments, connect the Carly OBD scanner to your BMW E87 and navigate to the appropriate settings in the FRM (Footwell Module) for the “Coming Home” function and in the CTM (Convertible Top Module) for the convertible settings.

BMW E87 corner LEDs coding functions
With the Carly OBD scanner you can adjust and optimize the settings for the corner LEDs of your BMW E87. The corner LEDs are responsible for illuminating the roadway when cornering.
You have the option to enable or disable the corner LEDs, which is also known as the Corner Delete Mod. This function often only works on US models to disable the corner LEDs. To make this adjustment, connect the Carly OBD scanner to your BMW E87 and navigate to the FRM (Footwell Module) module.
Furthermore, you can adjust the brightness of the corner LEDs when the low beam or the high beam is active. The available brightness settings are:
- the end
- low
- middle
- high
To adjust the brightness of the corner LEDs when the low beam is on, navigate to the FRM module and select the desired brightness level. The same procedure applies to adjusting the brightness when the high beam is on.
By adjusting the corner LEDs, you contribute to better visibility at night and when cornering, which increases the safety and driving comfort of your BMW E87.
BMW E87 daytime running light settings
With Carly OBD scanner, you can adjust and optimize the daytime running light settings of your BMW E87. Daytime Running Lights (DRL) are lights that are turned on during daytime operation to increase the visibility of your vehicle.
Daytime running light adjustments include:
- Activation/deactivation of daytime running lights in the onboard computer (can be coded in the KOMBI module)
- Activation/deactivation of daytime running lights for each car key separately (can be coded in FRM module)
There are several ways to customize the daytime running lights:
- Brightness settings: very low, low, medium, high, very high
- Use of various light sources: Fog lights, turn signals, angel eyes, side markers, license plate lights, taillights, inner brake lights, third brake light.
You can also adjust the brightness of the Angel Eyes (corona rings) for daytime running lights. To use this function, activate the “Daytime running lights customization” in the FRM module.
Some of these functions are only available for BMW E87 models with FRM2 or FRM3. These FRM versions were installed in the 1 series (E8x) starting around 06/2007.
For even more customization, you can permanently turn the daytime running lights on or off in the iDrive system, or set them to “Standard.” To make this adjustment, connect the Carly OBD scanner to your BMW E87 and navigate to the CIC module.
By customizing the daytime running lights, you will contribute to a better visibility of your BMW E87, which will increase safety on the road.
The Easy Entry function makes it easier to get into your BMW E87 by automatically lowering the driver’s window as soon as you open the door. With Carly OBD Scanner you can enable or disable this feature and customize it for each individual key.
The settings for the Easy Entry function include:
Activate/deactivate Easy Entry
- Press the unlock button twice to unlock the car. The driver’s window is lowered as soon as the door is opened. (can be coded in the CAS module)
The Easy Entry function can be set individually for each key:
- Easy Entry for key 1: activate/deactivate (can be coded in the CAS module)
- Easy Entry for key 2: activate/deactivate (can be coded in the CAS module)
- Easy Entry for key 3: activate/deactivate (can be coded in the CAS module)
- Easy Entry for key 4: activate/deactivate (can be coded in the CAS module)
To activate the Easy Entry function for a specific key, press the unlock button once to unlock all doors. Press it again to lower the driver window.
To configure the Easy Entry feature for your BMW E87, connect the Carly OBD scanner to your vehicle and navigate to the CAS module. Here you can customize the settings for each key and set the function according to your personal preferences.
BMW E87 automatic start-stop system
Automatic start-stop is a feature in your BMW E87 that aims to save fuel and reduce emissions by automatically shutting off the engine when the vehicle is stationary and restarting it when you drive off. Carly OBD Scanner lets you customize the settings for this feature so that they better reflect your personal preferences.
One of the available settings is the start/stop automatic memory function. When this is activated, the vehicle remembers the last selected setting for automatic start-stop and applies it automatically the next time the vehicle is started. This means that if you manually turned off the automatic start-stop system the last time you drove, it will remain off the next time you start. This can help extend the life of the battery and starter. (can be coded in the IHKA module)
To enable or disable the automatic start/stop memory function in your BMW E87, connect the Carly OBD scanner to your vehicle and navigate to the IHKA module. There you can select the desired setting and adjust your vehicle accordingly. This function is particularly useful for drivers who want to switch the automatic start-stop system on and off manually on a regular basis without having to do so every time they start the vehicle.
BMW E87 “Flash to Pass” Coding
The “Flash to Pass” function is a useful feature in your BMW E87 that allows you to draw the attention of other road users by briefly turning on your high beams. Carly OBD Scanner lets you assimilate some settings for this function to match your personal preferences.
One of the available settings is the use of bi-xenon headlights for the “Flash to Pass” function. Once this function is activated, the bi-xenon lamps are used for short flashing. To change this setting, connect the Carly OBD scanner to your BMW E87 and navigate to the FRM module where you can select the desired option. (can be coded in the FRM module)
Another setting you can adjust with the Carly OBD scanner is to automatically disable the fog lights when activating the “Flash to Pass” function. If this option is activated, the fog lights are automatically switched off as soon as you briefly turn on the high beams. To change this setting, connect the Carly OBD scanner to your vehicle, navigate to the FRM module and select the desired option. (can be coded in the FRM module)
By adjusting these settings to your personal preferences, you can further enhance the driving experience in your BMW E87 and ensure that the Flash to Pass feature works just the way you want it to.
BMW E87 gear shift indicator coding
The gear shift indicator is a helpful feature in your BMW E87 that shows you the optimal time to shift gears. With the Carly OBD scanner, you will be able to assimilate different settings for the gear change indicator and configure it according to your personal preferences. Note, however, that for some transmission types (especially automatic transmissions), data for the gear change indicator may not be sent to the COMBI module. In such cases, the gear change indicator could be inactive or permanently show no current gear even if this function is activated.
The available settings include:
Gear change indicator and gear suggestion 1/3 and 2/3
- a
- the end
The gear change indicator is displayed in the on-board computer. To enable this feature, you must also enable other coding for the gear change indicator. The optimum gear is only suggested in the M6T. (can be coded in the KOMBI module)
Gear change indicator for key 1 to 4
- a
- the end
You can activate or deactivate the gear change indicator individually for each of the four vehicle keys. (can be coded in the KOMBI module)
To change these settings, it is necessary that you connect the Carly OBD scanner to your BMW E87 and then navigate to the COMBI module. There you can select the options you want and enable or disable them. Adjusting these settings allows you to further optimize the driving experience in your BMW E87 and configure the gear shift indicator just the way you prefer.

BMW E87 headlight cleaning coding
Headlight cleaning is a useful feature in your BMW E87 that helps improve visibility in bad weather conditions. With Carly OBD scanner you can adjust and optimize various settings for headlight cleaning. Here are some of the available options that you can configure:
Switch headlight cleaning on/off
- a
- the end
You can activate or deactivate the headlight cleaning function as needed. (codable in the JBBF)
Number of wipes until the headlights are cleaned
- 3
- 5
- 7
The headlights are cleaned after every x wipes of the windshield. (codable in the JBBF)
Number of spraying operations for the headlights
- 2
- 3
Here you can set the number of sprays for headlight cleaning. (codable in the JBBF)
Duration of one spraying operation for the headlights
- 0,7 s
- 1 s
- 0,5 s
You can adjust the duration of a single spray for headlight cleaning. (codable in the JBBF)
Delay between spraying operations for the headlights
- 1,3 s
- 1 s
- 1,5 s
Here you can set the delay between the spraying processes for headlight cleaning. (codable in the JBBF)
You can change these settings by connecting the Carly OBD scanner to your BMW E87 and navigating to the JBBF module. There you can select the options you want and enable or disable them. By adjusting these settings, you can optimize the headlight cleaning in your BMW E87 and adapt it to your personal preferences.
BMW E87 high beam coding
Your BMW E87 offers an interesting feature that automatically turns off the fog lights as soon as the high beams are activated. This option is particularly useful for improving visibility in poor weather conditions while reducing glare for oncoming vehicles. With Carly OBD scanner, you can easily customize this function.
You can either activate or deactivate the “Fog lights on high beam” function. When activated, the fog lights are automatically turned off as soon as you turn on the high beams. This helps to optimize visibility and avoid unnecessarily dazzling other road users. (can be coded in the FRM)
To change this setting, simply connect the Carly OBD scanner to your BMW E87 and navigate to the FRM module. There you can select the desired option and enable or disable the function according to your personal preferences.
By adjusting this setting, you can optimize the light functions in your BMW E87 and provide better visibility in different weather conditions without compromising the safety of other road users.
BMW E87 iDrive menu coding
Your BMW E87 offers a variety of iDrive menu options that you can customize using the Carly OBD scanner. By enabling or disabling these features, you can personalize your vehicle and customize the settings according to your personal preferences.
Some of the available functions are:
- audible confirmation menu: Displays a menu for audible confirmations when locking and unlocking in the iDrive. This coding only works if the DWA module is installed (can be coded in the CIC).
- Address book menu: Activates the menu for the address book in the iDrive (can be coded in the CIC).
- Notepad menu: Displays a menu for the notepad in the iDrive (codable in CIC).
- Audible confirmation: Activates menus for acoustic confirmations when locking and unlocking the vehicle in the iDrive (can be coded in CCC).
- Rain Sensor Sensitivity: Displays a menu for adjusting the sensitivity of the rain/light sensor in the iDrive (codable in CCC).
- Seat heating: Displays a menu for adjusting the heat distribution of the seat heating in the iDrive (can be coded in CCC).
- Cornering light: Activates the menu for activating the cornering light in the iDrive (can be coded in the CCC).
In order for you to change these settings, you just need to connect the Carly OBD scanner to your BMW E87 and navigate to the appropriate modules. You can select the desired options there and activate or deactivate the functions according to your personal preferences.
By customizing these iDrive menu options, you can optimize your BMW E87 driving experience and tailor it to your exact needs.
BMW E87 instruments coding
In the instrument cluster of your BMW E87, there are a number of functions that you can customize with the Carly OBD scanner. Here are some of the features you can enable or disable to make your BMW E87 even more customized:
- Digital speedometer: Shows the current speed in the digital display below the speedometer (can be coded in KOMBI).
- Digital speedometer correction: By default, the digital speedometer displays a “corrected” speed that is slightly higher than the actual speed of the vehicle (codable in KOMBI).
- Hide information in the dashboard: The display of information in the dashboard can be hidden when you change the information displays with the BC button (codable in KOMBI).
- GPS time correction: The time is corrected using GPS (can be coded in KOMBI).
- permanent speedometer illumination: The speedometer is always illuminated, even during the day (can be coded in KOMBI).
- instantaneous fuel consumption: Displays the instantaneous fuel consumption in the on-board computer (can be coded in KOMBI).
- Cruise control speed display: The set speed of the cruise control is displayed for a few seconds in the on-board computer (can be coded in KOMBI).
- Daytime running lights in the onboard computer: Activates or deactivates the daytime running lights in the onboard computer (can be coded in KOMBI).
- Gear shift indicator and suggestion: Displays the gear shift indicator in the onboard computer and suggests the optimum gear (can be coded in KOMBI).
Connect the Carly OBD scanner to your BMW E87 so that you can change this setting and navigate to the appropriate modules. There you can activate or deactivate the desired functions.
By customizing these functions in the instrument cluster of your BMW E87, you can not only adjust the settings according to your personal preferences, but also optimize your driving experience.
BMW E87 interior lighting coding
In the interior of your BMW E87, there are various functions for the interior lighting that you can adjust with the help of the Carly OBD scanner. Here are some settings you can customize to make your BMW E87 ‘s lighting the way you want it:
- Interior lighting with remote control: If you press the lock button on the remote control while the car is already locked, the interior lighting turns on (can be coded in CAS).
- Switch off interior lighting after 2 minutes: The interior lighting is automatically switched off after two minutes (can be coded in the FRM).
- Smooth switching on and off of the interior lighting: The interior lighting is switched on and off smoothly (can be coded in the FRM).
To change these settings for the interior lights of your BMW E87, it is necessary to connect the Carly OBD scanner to your vehicle and navigate to the appropriate modules. There it is possible that you activate or deactivate the desired functions.
By customizing these features, you can personalize the interior lighting of your BMW E87 and make for a more enjoyable driving experience.
BMW E87 air conditioner coding
With Carly OBD scanner, you can customize and personalize various functions of your BMW E87 ‘s air conditioner. Here are some ways you can optimize your vehicle’s climate control:
- Save recirculation settings: The recirculation settings are saved for the next vehicle start (can be coded in the IHKA).
- Display “Auto” in automatic mode: Auto” is displayed in automatic mode of the air conditioner (can be coded in the IHKA).
- Fan speed during automatic air conditioning: The current fan speed is also displayed during the automatic mode of the air conditioning (can be coded in the IHKA).
- Display blower symbol: The blower symbol is displayed (can be coded in the IHKA).
- Storing the setting for the “Off” mode: The setting for the “Off” mode of the air conditioner is stored (can be coded in the IHKA).
- Compressor with air conditioner in “Auto” mode: If you press the “Automatic” button for the air conditioner, the air conditioner will start automatically. To disable this function, interrupt all functions for the “Automatic compressor with air conditioning” (codable in the IHKA).
- Activate residual heat with the “ALL” key: The “ALL” key activates the residual heat function of the air conditioning system (can be coded in the IHKA).
You can change the climate control settings of your BMW E87 by connecting the Carly OBD scanner to your vehicle and then navigating to the appropriate modules. Thus, you can either enable or disable the desired functions.
By customizing these features, you can personalize the climate control of your BMW E87 and ensure a more comfortable driving experience.
BMW E87 disclaimer coding
With Carly OBD scanner, you can adjust various legal disclaimers in your BMW E87. These warnings usually appear when starting the iDrive system or using camera functions. Here are some options that you can match:
- legal disclaimer (US): Show the legal disclaimer when starting the iDrive system. This warning is normally only displayed in US models (codable in CIC and CCC).
- Camera disclaimer: Show the legal disclaimer for the rear camera (codable in CIC). You can choose between “on”, “active (6 seconds)” and “not active”.
- Night vision disclaimer: Show the legal disclaimer for the night vision camera (codable in CIC). You can choose between “on”, “active (6 seconds)” and “not active”.
- Legal disclaimer (US) – display duration: Set the display duration of the legal disclaimer in the iDrive (codable in CCC). You can choose between “0s” and “10s”. If you set this function to “0s”, the disclaimer will be disabled and sometimes even the startup time of the iDrive system will be shortened. This warning is normally only displayed in US models.
If you want to change these settings for your BMW E87, connect the Carly OBD scanner to your vehicle and navigate to the appropriate modules. In the modules you can activate or deactivate the desired functions.
You can customize the driving experience in your BMW E87 and possibly shorten the startup time of the iDrive system by adjusting these legal disclaimers.
BMW E87 locking system coding
With Carly OBD scanner, you can customize various functions related to locking and unlocking your BMW E87. Here are some options that you can change:
Comfort locking with the remote control
Press and hold the lock button on the remote control to close all windows and the sunroof (can be coded in CAS).
Comfort locking with the key
Turn the key in the door lock position and hold it there to close all windows and the sunroof (codable in CAS).
Automatic locking of the vehicle
Set the duration after which the vehicle is automatically locked if no door or window has been opened (can be coded in CAS). You can choose from different time intervals, such as:
- 1 minute
- 2 minutes
- 5 minutes
- 10 mins
- 15 minutes
Speed threshold for vehicle locking
Set the speed at which the vehicle automatically locks all doors (can be coded in CAS). You can choose from different speeds, such as:
- 2 km/h / 1 mph
- 6 km/h / 4 mph
- 12 km/h / 8 mph
- 18 km/h / 11 mph
- 24 km/h / 15 mph
- 30 km/h / 19 mph
Optical confirmation when locking the vehicle
Enable or disable visual confirmation when locking the vehicle (can be coded in FRM).
Acoustic confirmation when locking the vehicle
Activate or deactivate the acoustic confirmation when locking the vehicle (can be coded in the DWA).
Connect the Carly OBD scanner to your vehicle and navigate to the appropriate modules if you want to change these settings for your BMW E87. There you can activate or deactivate the desired functions. You can customize your vehicle to your needs by aligning these features. It also allows you to improve the driving experience in your BMW E87.
BMW E87 mirror coding
With Carly OBD scanner you can assimilate various functions related to the mirrors of your BMW E87. Here are some options that you can change:
- Mirror tilt: Enable or disable the function that the mirrors tilt when reverse gear is engaged (codable in FRM). This function requires a LIN bus, which is usually installed together with the mirror heater.
- Comfort folding function for the exterior mirrors: Hold down the lock/unlock button on the remote control to automatically fold or unfold the exterior mirrors (can be coded in FRM). Here, too, a LIN bus is required, which is usually installed together with the mirror heater.
- Electrochromic mirror dimming: Enable or disable the function that the side mirrors automatically electrochromic dimming (codable in FRM). This function also requires an installed LIN bus, which is usually installed together with the mirror heater.
To change these settings for your BMW E87, connect the Carly OBD scanner to your vehicle and navigate to the appropriate modules. There you can activate or deactivate the desired functions. By customizing these features, you can tailor your vehicle specifically to your personal needs and enhance the driving experience in your BMW E87.
BMW E87 comfort opening coding
With Carly OBD Scanner, you can unlock and customize a variety of features for your BMW E87. The following section explains some of these functions in detail.
Comfort opening with remote control
– activated
– deactivated
Press and hold the unlock button on the remote control to open all windows and the sunroof of the BMW E87. (programmable in CAS)
Comfort opening with key
– activated
– deactivated
Unlock the car with the key and hold the key in the unlock position to open all windows and the sunroof. (programmable in CAS)
Deactivation of the comfort access function
– activated
– deactivated
To deactivate the comfort access, set this coding to “not active”. This coding cannot be used to activate a retrofitted comfort access. When comfort access is deactivated, neither closing nor opening the car via the door handle works. Starting the engine without a key in the ignition lock (also known as “keyless go”) also no longer works. Therefore, the car can no longer be stolen by tricking the convenience access. To reactivate the comfort access, set this coding to “active”. (programmable in the CAS)
Easy entry
– activated
– deactivated
When the car is unlocked by pressing the unlock button twice, the driver’s door window opens as soon as the door is opened. (programmable in CAS)
Easy entry for key 1-4
– activated
– deactivated
Single setting for “Easy entry” for keys 1-4. Press the unlock key once to unlock all doors. Press it again to lower the driver window. (programmable in CAS)
Selective central locking
– activated
– deactivated
Unlocking the car once unlock s only the driver’s door. Unlocking again also unlocks the other doors. (programmable in CAS)
Selective central locking for keys 1-4
– activated
– deactivated
Single setting for “Selective central locking” for keys 1-4. Unlocking the car once unlocks only the driver’s door. Unlocking again also opens the other doors. (programmable in CAS)
Selective central locking – Unlocking the fuel filler cap
– activated
– deactivated
The fuel filler cap is also opened when unlocked for the first time if “Selective central locking” is active. (programmable in CAS)
Unlock car when power off
– activated
– deactivated
The doors are automatically unlocked when the ignition key is ejected. This only works if the “Vehicle locking at x km/h key 1-4” is activated. (programmable in CAS)
Optical confirmation – vehicle unlocking
– activated
– deactivated
Optical confirmation for vehicle unlocking is active/not active. (programmable in FRM)
Optical confirmation of vehicle unlocking for keys 1-3
– activated
– deactivated
Optical confirmation for vehicle unlocking is active/not active. Individual setting for “Optical confirmation of vehicle unlocking” for keys 1-3. (programmable in FRM).
Audible confirmation – vehicle unlocking
– activated
– deactivated
Audible confirmation for vehicle unlocking is active/not active. (programmable in DWA)
With Carly OBD Scanner and these setting options, you can customize your BMW E87 and optimize the driving experience. Be sure to choose features carefully and seek expert advice when necessary.
BMW E87 Parking Distance Control (PDC)
Parking Distance Control (PDC) is a helpful feature that helps you park your BMW E87 safely and comfortably. It uses sensors to measure the distance between your vehicle and possible obstacles and shows the information on the display. Carly OBD scanner is a useful tool to customize and personalize parking distance control settings.
There are two different views for the PDC in BMW vehicles. The vertical view is typical for F models, while the horizontal view is used for E models, such as the BMW E87. Both views allow you to easily see the distance and position of obstacles near your BMW E87 and react accordingly.
Carly OBD scanner can help you adjust the direction of parking distance control in your BMW E87. By using this scanner, you can change the settings in your BMW CIC (Car Information Computer) system and customize the view of the PDC according to your personal preferences and needs.
The uniqueness of the Carly OBD scanner lies in its ability to easily make adjustments to your BMW E87. It is a versatile tool that allows you to customize and optimize not only the PDC, but also other functions and settings of your vehicle.
To get the most out of parking distance control and Carly OBD scanner for your BMW E87, it is important to choose the right scanner for your car model and follow the instructions for use and adjustment carefully. This way, you can increase the safety and comfort of parking your BMW E87 and improve the overall driving experience.
BMW E87 parking light coding
Carly OBD scanner allows you to adjust and optimize various functions and settings of your BMW E87. Here are some functions you can customize with Carly OBD Scanner :
- Comfort parking lights: You can set the parking lights to stay on until the vehicle is locked with the remote control when the light switch is set to automatic or “On”.
- power windows after the ignition is turned off: You can leave the power windows active for a certain time after turning off the ignition. The possible time periods are 1, 2, 5, 10 or 15 minutes.
- Easy Entry: When the vehicle is unlocked by pressing the unlock button twice, the driver’s window is automatically lowered when the door is opened. You can set this function separately for each of the four car keys.
- Resume window action while door is open: If the door is opened while the window is open or closed, the window will resume the action.
- Continue window action when starting the motor: If the motor is started while a window is opened or closed, the window continues the action.
By using the Carly OBD scanner, you can adjust these settings in the corresponding ECUs of your BMW E87 (such as FRM and CAS). It is important to choose the right scanner for your car model and carefully follow the instructions for use and adjustment to improve the driving experience and increase the comfort and safety of your BMW E87.
BMW E87 parking light coding
The parking light function in your BMW E87 contributes to safety and convenience by activating the parking lights when the vehicle is unlocked. Carly OBD Scanner lets you customize this feature to your personal preferences.
If the light switch is set to automatic or “On”, the parking lights remain on until the vehicle is locked with the remote control. By using the Carly OBD scanner, you can code this setting in your BMW E87 to customize your vehicle’s lighting functions to your liking.
Power windows and Carly OBD scanner for your BMW E87
With Carly OBD scanner, you can adjust and optimize various functions and settings of the power windows of your BMW E87. Here are some of the features you can assimilate with Carly OBD scanner:
- power windows after the ignition is turned off: You can leave the power windows active for a certain time after turning off the ignition. The possible time periods are 1, 2, 5, 10 or 15 minutes.
- Easy Entry: When the vehicle is unlocked by pressing the unlock button twice, the driver’s window is automatically lowered when the door is opened. You can set this function separately for each of the four car keys.
- Resume window action while door is open: If the door is opened while the window is open or closed, the window will resume the action.
- Continue window action when starting the motor: If the motor is started while a window is opened or closed, the window continues the action.
By using the Carly OBD scanner, you can adjust these settings in the corresponding ECUs of your BMW E87 (such as FRM and CAS). It is important to choose the right scanner for your car model and carefully follow the instructions for use and adjustment to improve the driving experience and increase the comfort and safety of your BMW E87.
BMW E87 rain sensor coding
The rain/light sensor is a handy feature in your BMW E87 that helps improve the driving experience in changing weather conditions. With the Carly OBD scanner , you can adjust the sensitivity of the rain/light sensor to make sure it responds optimally to the conditions.
If you want to adjust the sensitivity of the rain-light sensor, you can use the iDrive menu to change the settings. There you will find the options for the sensitivity settings of the rain-light sensor along with the other light options. Carly OBD scanner allows you to adjust the sensitivity in two levels: “Sensitivity ½” and “Sensitivity 2/2”. It is recommended to change these two functions together to ensure optimal sensitivity adjustment.
BMW E87 Seatbelt Carrier Coding
The seat belt reminder is a useful feature in your BMW E87 that increases driver and passenger comfort by automatically reapplying the seat belt. With Carly OBD Scanner , you will be able to customize and set this feature to be enabled or disabled for the driver, the passenger, or both.
By using the Carly OBD scanner, you can code the settings for the seatbelt booster in your BMW E87. You can choose whether the seat belt reminder should be active or inactive for the driver, the front passenger or both. These settings can be coded in the FRM (Footwell Module).
By using Carly’s OBD scanner to adjust the seatbelt adjuster in your BMW E87, you can improve comfort for you and your passengers and ensure a more enjoyable driving experience. Be sure to select the correct scanner for your vehicle model and follow the instructions for use and fitting carefully to get the best results.
BMW E87 seat heater coding
Heated seats are a handy feature in your BMW E87 that provide extra comfort during the cold season. With the Carly OBD scanner, you can adjust various settings for the seat heating, such as heat distribution or displaying the current heating level in the iDrive menu.
To change the heat distribution of the seat heater, you can use the iDrive menu, where you will also find the other heater settings. Note, however, that adjusting the heat distribution often only works on 5 Series models with sport seats. With the Carly OBD scanner you can also enable or disable the display of the current seat heating level for the front seats in the iDrive menu.
Another useful feature that you can customize with Carly OBD scanner is to automatically display the seat heater menu for a few seconds when you activate the seat heater. Again, this feature is often only available on 5 Series models.
By using the Carly OBD scanner for your BMW E87, you can customize the seat heating functions to increase the comfort for you and your passengers during the cold months
BMW E87 side marker lights coding
- Side marker lights, also known as sidemarkers, are a feature often found on U.S. vehicles. With Carly OBD scanner, you can also enable and customize this feature for your BMW E87. You can do it:
- Permanently activate or deactivate the side marker lights. Note that additional features may need to be set to “active” if they are available. If warnings for the turn signals are displayed after successfully coding this function, please deactivate the voltage monitoring for the turn signals. This warning is probably due to the fact that your car is not a US model. (Codable in FRM)
Adjust the brightness of the side marker lights. You have the option to choose between different brightness levels, such as:
- the end
- very low
- low
- rather low
- middle
- rather high
- high
- very high
(Codable in FRM)
By using the Carly OBD scanner, you can customize the side marker lights to match the look of your BMW E87 to your preferences. Be sure to select the correct scanner for your vehicle model and follow the instructions for use and fitting carefully to get the best results.
BMW E87 speedometer coding
With Carly OBD Scanner, you can make various adjustments to your speedometer to suit your personal preferences. The following settings can be coded for your BMW E87:
- Digital speedometer: You can activate or deactivate a digital speedometer that shows the current speed in the digital display below the analog speedometer. (Codable in KOMBI)
- Digital speedometer correction: By default, the digital speedometer displays a “corrected” speed that is slightly higher than the actual speed of the car. You can choose whether the digital speedometer should display the “corrected” speed or the true speed. (Codable in KOMBI)
- “Correction” of the analog speedometer: This coding does not work on US models. As with the digital speedometer, you can also decide for the analog speedometer whether it should display the “corrected” speed or the true speed. (Codable in KOMBI)
By using Carly OBD scanner, you can customize the speedometer display of your BMW E87 and make it more accurate and comfortable for you. Be sure to select the appropriate scanner for your vehicle model and follow the coding instructions carefully.
BMW E87 tailgate coding
Carly OBD scanner allows you to make various adjustments to the tailgate and tank of your BMW E87. The following adjustments can be made:
- Unlocking the rear window: You can set the unlocking of the rear window instead of the trunk lid for the Touring models. There are separate settings for each of the four keys. (Codable in CAS)
- Unlocking the rear window with the outside button: The exterior button on the trunk lid can open the rear window instead of the trunk lid on Touring models. Again, there are separate settings for each of the four keys. (Codable in CAS)
- Opening the rear window with footwell switch: The footwell switch can open the rear window instead of the trunk lid on Touring models. There are separate settings for each of the four keys. (Codable in CAS)
- Low fuel range warning threshold: You can adjust the threshold for the audible low fuel range warning. (Codable in KOMBI)
- Tank reserve warning threshold: You can set the threshold for the tank reserve warning when the fuel level is low. (Codable in KOMBI)
By using Carly OBD scanner, you can customize the functions of your BMW E87 to make it more convenient and personalized. Be sure to select the appropriate scanner for your vehicle model and follow the coding instructions carefully.
BMW E87 fuel gauge coding
Carly OBD scanner allows you to change various fuel tank settings for your BMW E87. You can adjust the thresholds for the range and fuel reserve warnings to make sure you are always well informed when the fuel level is low. The following adjustments are possible:
Threshold value for range warning at low fuel level
You can set the threshold for the audible range warning when the fuel level is low:
- Switched off
- 20 km / 12 mi
- 50 km / 31 mi
This warning can be coded in the KOMBI control unit.
Threshold value for the tank reserve warning
You can adjust the low fuel warning threshold:
- 6.5 liters
- 8.0 liters
- 10.0 liters
- 12,5 liters
- 20.0 liters
This warning can also be coded in the KOMBI control unit.
By using Carly OBD scanner, you can customize the features of your BMW E87 to suit your personal needs and preferences. Make sure you choose the right scanner for your car model and follow the coding instructions carefully to get the best possible results.
BMW E87 phone coding
With Carly OBD scanner you have the possibility to customize the phone ringtone in your BMW E87. This feature allows you to choose between different ringtones and add a personal touch to your vehicle.
To change the phone ringtone in your BMW E87, you need the Carly OBD scanner and the corresponding app on your smartphone. You can choose between two different ringtones: the classic BMW ring tone or the Mini ringtone.
The telephone ring tone is adjusted via the coding in the CIC control unit. Carefully follow the instructions of the Carly OBD scanner to make the desired changes. By personalizing the phone ringtone in your BMW E87, you create a unique driving experience and ensure more pleasant communication while driving.
BMW E86 flashing light coding
With Carly OBD scanner, you can adjust various settings for your BMW E87 ‘s turn signals and warning lights. This allows you to customize the features of your vehicle to your personal preferences and needs. Here are some of the functions you can set with Carly OBD scanner:
- Warning lights: Choose between a standard or double flashing of the warning lights. (can be coded in the FRM)
- Crash lights: Determine whether the warning lights should flash once or twice in the event of an accident. (can be coded in the FRM)
- One-touch turn signal function: Set the number of flashes when you tap the turn signal. This setting can be customized for different keys. (can be coded in the FRM)
- LED turn signals front and rear: Activate this option if you have replaced the front or rear turn signals with LED bulbs. (can be coded in the FRM)
- optical confirmation when unlocking and locking the vehicle: activate or deactivate the optical confirmation when unlocking and locking the vehicle. This setting can also be customized for different keys. (can be coded in the FRM)
To make these adjustments, you’ll need the Carly OBD scanner and the corresponding app on your smartphone. Follow the instructions in the app to make the desired changes to your BMW E87.
BMW E87 video playback coding
With Carly OBD scanner, you have the ability to enable or adjust video playback while driving in your BMW E87. This allows you to watch videos or DVDs while driving, provided your vehicle supports this feature when stationary. Here are some of the settings you can adjust with Carly OBD Scanner:
- Video in Motion 1/2: Enable or disable video playback while driving. To enable this feature, you must also enable “Video in Motion 2/22”. (codable in CIC)
- Video in Motion 2/2: Change this function only in conjunction with “Video in Motion ½”. (codable in CIC)
- Video in Motion: Choose between different options for video playback while driving:
- while driving
- only at walking speed
- Only with the handbrake applied
- not active
(codable in the CCC)
To make these settings, you need the Carly OBD scanner and the corresponding app on your smartphone. To make the changes you want to your BMW E87, follow the instructions in the app.
Please note that the use of Video in Motion while driving is prohibited by law in many countries, as it can impair the driver’s attention. Always pay attention to road safety and comply with the laws in force in your country.
By using the Carly OBD scanner and adjusting the video playback while driving, you can make the most of your BMW E87 ‘s entertainment system and enhance your driving experience. However, always make sure to act responsibly and not jeopardize road safety.
BMW E87 voltage monitoring coding
With Carly OBD scanner, you can adjust voltage monitoring for various lighting elements of your BMW E87. This can be especially helpful with LED lights to prevent flickering. Here are some of the features you can customize:
- Voltage monitoring for Angel Eyes 1/2: Activate or deactivate the voltage monitoring of the Angel Eyes. This can cause flickering in LED lights. (can be coded in the FRM)
- Voltage monitoring for Angel Eyes 2/2: Deactivate together with “Angel Eyes voltage monitoring 1/2 ” to prevent flickering of LED lights. (can be coded in the FRM)
- Voltage monitoring for side marker lights 1/2: Activate or deactivate the voltage monitoring of the side marker lights. This can cause flickering in LED lights. (can be coded in the FRM)
- Voltage monitoring for side marker lights 2/2: Deactivate together with “Side marker lights voltage monitoring 1/2” to prevent flickering of LED lights. (can be coded in the FRM)
- Voltage monitoring for front turn signals 1/2: Activate or deactivate the voltage monitoring of the front turn signals. This can cause flickering in LED lights. (can be coded in the FRM)
- Voltage monitoring for front turn signals 2/2: Deactivate together with “Front turn signals voltage monitoring 1/2” to prevent flickering of LED lights. (can be coded in the FRM)
- Voltage monitoring for fog lights 1/2: Activate or deactivate the voltage monitoring for the fog lights. This can cause flickering in LED lights. (can be coded in the FRM)
- Voltage monitoring for fog lights 2/2: Deactivate together with “Fog lights voltage monitoring 1/2” to prevent flickering of LED lights. (can be coded in the FRM)
- Voltage monitoring for high beam 1/2: Activate or deactivate the voltage monitoring of the high beam. This can cause flickering in LED lights. (can be coded in the FRM)
- Voltage monitoring for high beam 2/2: Deactivate together with “High beam voltage monitoring 1/2” to prevent flickering of LED lights. (can be coded in the FRM)
- Voltage monitoring for low beam 1/2: Activate or deactivate the voltage monitoring of the low beam.
BMW E87 warning messages coding
With the help of Carly OBD Scanner, you can make various settings on your BMW E87, including setting alerts. Here are some of the features you can set:
- Speed limit warning: You can set whether you want to receive a warning at a certain speed. You can choose between different speeds, such as 120 km/h or 190 km/h. You can also set whether you want to receive this warning at all or not.
- Temperature warning: You can set whether you want to receive a warning when the outdoor temperature drops below 4 °C or not.
- Ignition key warning: You can set whether you want to receive a warning when you leave the ignition key inserted or not.
- Low tank warning: You can set from which tank level you want to receive a warning. You can choose between different values, such as 20 km or 50 km. You can set this warning in the instrument cluster.
- Low tank warning: You can set from which tank content you want to receive a warning. You can choose between different values, such as 6.5 liters or 12.5 liters. You can also set this warning in the instrument cluster.
- Warning when lights are on: You can set a warning to be displayed when you leave the car and the lights are still on.
- Defective lights warning: You can set various warnings that will be displayed to you when certain lights on the car are defective. For example, you can set a warning if the front turn signals do not work or if the rear light is defective.
- Seat belt warning: You can set whether you want to receive a warning when you do not fasten your seat belt. You can set this warning for the driver and for the passenger.
Carly OBD Scanner is a useful tool to make various settings on your BMW E87. With this scanner you can set alerts that will help you to be safer on the road.
BMW E87 welcome light coding
With this scanner you can make various settings on your BMW E87, including adjusting the Welcome Lights. Here are some of the features you can set:
- Welcome Lights: You can set whether the welcome lights should be activated or not. These lights are turned on when the vehicle is unlocked and the light switch is in the “Auto” position. You can also set the duration of the Welcome Lights, for example 5 seconds or 10 seconds.
- Welcome lights for keys 1 to 4: You can set separately for each key whether the welcome lights should be activated or not.
- Welcome Lights with low beam: You can set whether the low beam should be switched on when the Welcome Lights are activated.
- Welcome Lights with brake lights: You can set whether the brake lights should be switched on when the welcome lights are activated.
- Welcome Lights with front and rear turn signals: You can set whether the front and rear turn signals should be turned on when the Welcome Lights are activated. You may also need to set the brightness of the side marker lights to “very low” or higher to enable this feature.
- Welcome Lights with High Beam: You can set whether the high beam should be turned on when the Welcome Lights are activated.
- Welcome Lights with license plate illumination: You can set whether the license plate illumination should be switched on when the Welcome Lights are activated.
- Welcome Lights with front and rear fog lights: You can set whether the front and rear fog lights should be turned on when the Welcome Lights are activated.
- Welcome Lights with parking lights front and rear: You can set whether the front and rear parking lights should be switched on when the Welcome Lights are activated.
Carly OBD Scanner is a useful tool to make various settings on your BMW E87. With this scanner, you can customize the welcome lights to make your vehicle more personalized.