Assistance for diesel particulate filter and reduced engine power in BMW X3 Diesel 2008
Check engine light on
DPF regeneration failure
Strong exhaust smell
Loud exhaust
Loss of engine power
(Translated from German)
77 comment(s)
As an addendum: The X3 F25 has now run 177,000 km and the exhaust cover is bare metal on the inside, with no trace of soot deposits. That's why I don't believe in a clogged DPF.
Hi, my X3 2012 now has 230,000 on it. After I did a small engine wash and treated the moving parts on the exhaust gas cooler with WD40 from the outside, the error with the sticking bypass flap is now gone. But the regeneration with the Carli app still doesn't work. Although the Ruserrt drops to below 1 during regeneration, the ash mass in the filter always increases suddenly by 1% and then no longer changes. I am now already at 75%. The engine runs well but no problems with draft or noise. Why does it not work with the regeneration or how can I reset the filter?
(Translated from German)
Hy was an Aurelius
thank you very much, that's in a different price league ;-) I'll have to see how I can get hold of something like that.
(Translated from German)
Good evening, I see that we are all the same. Me in two years 4 visits to the workshop. X3 of 2008. Now I'm going to try to use the Carly and do forced regeneration before it clogs like other times and have to disassemble it to send to clean. Any experience you can share would be appreciated.
(Translated from Spanish)
Diesel particulate filter info: limited remaining distance available
Hello, Have you saved this error? What kind of vehicle do you have? This error usually indicates that your DPF will soon need to be cleaned or replaced.
(Translated from German)
Good morning No, as far as I know, Carly can't do that. We used a different tester for this, But I don't want to advertise it here.
Hi, I understand, but I would still be very interested to know how to register the filter as new. According to other forums, the residual distance error message should go away by itself after a successful forced regeneration, but I don't trust it. I would be grateful for any tips on how I can get the supposedly jammed bypass flap working again without too much effort. Please send me the information to xing(at)pcg-group.de Many thanks and best regards
(Translated from German)